Do you have foot, knee, hip back or neck pain? Maybe a combination of those? For many people hip alignment...
Is Your Hip Pain Caused by a Fallen Arch?
Are you experiencing hip pain? Maybe a tight IT Band, achy knees or lower back pain? The culprit of your pain...
When Muscle Imbalance is Causing Hip Pain (video included)
When you’re trying to eliminate hip pain (and in reality, this could be any part of your body) you must...
Foot and Ankle Stretches for Stiffness and Pain
Your ankles need to be one of the most mobile joints in your body….but, are they? We all need at least...
All The Foot and Ankle Strengthening You Need
On a recent camping/hiking trip I met a lady who said her ankles were weak and in order to prevent...
How To Stretch a Stiff Big Toe
How are your big toe functioning these days? Are they stiff and achy? You may not think much about your...

Best Stretches After Skiing
Skiing season often stretches into unexpected times, with some enthusiasts even celebrating the Fourth of July on the slopes in...

Do You Want Healthy Feet and Ankles?
If you find that your feet are frequently stiff and achy, or if you’re dealing with issues like bunions, stiff...
My Thoughts on Feet, Good Shoes and Arch Support
Since summertime is here and most of us are planning vacations, we have to make sure that not only our...