Do you REALLY value time? Is this year going to count or will it just slip away? I learned a few...
Are you a hunchback?
As I was having dinner with a girlfriend the other night, I noticed, she couldn’t sit still. She was rolling her...
Oh my dog!
My dog Cami is in pain. She hurt her shoulder and it’s been really hard for me to see her...
Where does all this pressure lead to?
You have a lot on your plate. You have a full time job, kids, a dog and your parents need you....
I did it, you can too!
I want to share a story with you. Over the holidays, on my first day of vacation in sunny San...
Top 3 Exercises for Weak Abdominals (video included)
I know you live with chronic back pain, and you’ve already given up on feeling better … You’re not alone, I see...
My Favorite Gadgets for a Tight, Painful Neck (video included)
Are you having neck pain, all day, every day? Believe me, I know exactly what your life is like. I’ve been...
Pain relief – What the doctor hasn’t told you
You know what a pain management doctor said to me? “I’m so surprised, nobody like you (I’m a Pilates teacher...
For Busy Moms: 5 Easy Exercises for Back Pain
Pull up a seat, . It’s time we had an honest talk about pain and the amount of time you spend...
Is Your Chair Causing You Back Pain? (video included)
I want to tell you something really important. You’re an amazing person. You work extremely hard. You’re reliable and bright....