As you know, I have lots of free videos on YouTube. Every week YouTube sends me a summary of how my...
Quick and Intense Pilates Flow (Exercise Video)
I realized long time ago that Life is like the ocean… we have high tide and we have low tide. They are...
Lubricate Your Hips With These Moves!
Do your hips feel tight and achy? Do you easily fatigue when you walk, hike or go up the stairs? Your...
Foot and Ankle Stretches for Stiffness and Pain
Your ankles need to be one of the most mobile joints in your body….but, are they? We all need at least...
Neck Pain Relief Exercises
Is your neck always tight and you’re tired of doing the same stretches? Let me give you some new ideas...
Unconventional Foam Roller Exercises
You probably know by now that I’m a big fan of the foam roller. It lays around in every gym...
Shoulder Pain When Reaching Behind Your Back?
Do you struggle with getting your arm behind your back? It may not seem important, until the day comes when...
All The Foot and Ankle Strengthening You Need
On a recent camping/hiking trip I met a lady who said her ankles were weak and in order to prevent...
Stiff Joints? Try This Routine!
As a Pilates instructor I have seen A LOT of still bodies. Stiffness is uncomfortable. You can’t sit with your...
This One Exercise Could Literally Save Your Life!
I watched a baby yesterday on the beach. He crawled to his mom, held onto her, stood up, fell down on his...