As a side effect of my job, I always watch and analyze how people move. I do it everywhere and all the time. Walking in the park, working out in the gym, grocery shopping, eating in a restaurant. Literally, I can’t stop it.
One common problem I see the most is the lack of knowledge of how to walk. Sounds trivial, right? What’s so hard about walking? Well, the way the feet were designed is we are supposed to heel strike, then push off of the ball of the big toe. This requires good toe, foot and ankle mobility, which is commonly restricted for most people, due to wearing shoes that don’t allow their feet to move properly.
Your big toe needs to be mobile as it plays a huge role in propulsion. When you toe-off in your walking/running, this winds up the plantar fascia like a cable and brings up the medial arch of your foot.
If your shoes are big and bulky with stiff soles and a narrow toe box that squeezes your toes together, you simply won’t be able to push off of your big toe.
If you suffer from the negative effects of stiff toes, such as bunions, neuroma, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, toe pain, ball of the foot pain, ankle sprains, etc, I want you to know, you’re not destined to live with painful feet.
Wouldn’t it be nice to get rid of the pain and enjoy walks and hikes again?
I developed a 3 month Pain Elimination Plan for you. By the time summer begins, you could have a strong, HEALTHY FEET and you won’t have to worry about foot pain putting a damper on your vacation!
Reply to this email with a short description of your condition and let’s take the next step together on the road of healing and feeling better!
P.S. I promise you, I will help you feel better!