You probably know by now that I’m a big fan of the foam roller. It lays around in every gym and in a lot of households.
Whether it’s something you often use or you’re a novice, I would like to introduce you to some easy and unconventional exercises you can do with a foam roller.
In return expect to have less discomfort or pain in your neck, shoulders, back and hips.
How and why can you expect such results?
The exercises I assembled for this video will mobilize your entire body, especially the areas where most people are locked up, such as the ankles, the hips and the thoracic spine.
When those huge movement rocks are locked up and stiff, you can expect having pain locally or even further away, so called globally in your body.
For example you can have hip pain because you have stiff hips, or you can have knee pain because you have stiff hips.
Same with the thoracic spine. You may have back pain from a stiff back or you could be having neck and shoulder pain from a stiff back.
Either way, you will only benefit from these foam roller exercises, so give them a try ASAP and start feeling better!