Text Neck Epidemic
Smart phones became the extension of our hands. They have a way of creeping into our lives and making themselves vital important. Some people rely on them more than others but we all use them more than we should. Especially teenagers and young adults are affected, who’s major form of communication is texting.
Honestly, how many text messages do you send a day? If you’re obsessed with your cell phone, then I bet, your body started sending you messages too! Well, not in the form of a text, but you may feel a dull ache in your neck, tingling in your arms, pain in your shoulders. You may have some secondary symptoms as well, such as short of breath and loss of proper bowel function.
Text Neck leads to long term muscle strain, disc herniation and pinched nerves, because you start wearing your head in front of your body, as opposed to on top of your shoulders. It’s not only an esthetic problem, but for every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.
Text Neck can add up to 30 pounds of abnormal leverage on the cervical spine. This can pull the entire spine out of alignment. Just imagine having a 4 years old child strapped around your neck! Ouch!
The second best thing besides decreasing the amount of time you spend on your phone is to raise the phone up to eye level as opposed to looking down.
P.S.Good news is, there’s a way of reversing Text Neck and making the pain go away! Pain meds and heat wraps only mask your symptoms but they won’t get down to the root cause of the problem. I have a tried and true method I’ve been teaching with tons of success. If you’d like more information about how to eliminate your neck pain and bad posture associated with Forward Head Syndrome, respond to this email now!