I’ve been helping people heal from their injuries and eliminate chronic pain as a result of an initial injury or wear and tear.
Most often the cause of injury is lack of attention and mindfulness when it comes to moving.
From the time we are born, our first mission is to figure out how to move so we can survive and navigate through the world.
Then we go through a predicable developmental motor sequence, learning how to roll, crawl, reach, squat and walk.
It comes down to trial and error. Everything in early life is a movement task, that must be figured out. There are many failed attempts (crying toddlers on the playground…:) but we gradually learn how to pattern movement efficiently in order to complete given tasks.
This process of movement learning continues at a rapid pace until we can do most of the baseline things humans do (walk, run, jump, climb, throw, push, pull, etc.)
For some, this process continues, for others, it slows or comes to a halt.
Movement requires attention and mindfulness.
At a basic level, it requires you to be aware of how you move, at least some of the time.
That’s how the nervous system works. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Neurons, that fire together, wire together…meaning that intentional movement exploration and practice yields healthier joints and less injury risk.
Get back to exploring how your body moves and works, at any age!
If you feel like this article is speaking to you, you’re probably battling pain and trying to heal your body from an injury.
If you’re not sure where to start, I have a plan for you.
I’m offering a 30 minute complimentary phone consultation where you can tell me more about your condition and learn more about how a corrective exercise program can help you eliminate your pain.
Click HERE to schedule your 30 minute phone consultation!
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