Believe me, I know how frustrating it is to have knee pain. You’ve been told to:
1. Strengthen the muscles around your knees
2. Don’t wear heels
3. Stretch your hip, quadriceps and calves
4. Get orthotics
5. Get acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, physical therapy, etc.
6. Take Glucosamine
7. Try PRP treatment, etc.
All of these suggestions are great, but what if the culprit of your knee pain is your ANKLE???
Your knee is one joint above your ankle. If your ankle doesn’t have enough Range of Motion (ROM), it will negatively affect your knee!!!
So what happens if you don’t have enough ROM in the ankles?
– overpronation of the feet (too much weight on the big toe side of the foot)
– bunions and calluses under the big toes
– walking with the feet turned out
– tight calves
Long story short, your feet end up taking a beating and the biomechanics of walking, running, squatting, lunging are thrown off due to stiff ankles.
The knee also takes a beating when you’re missing ankle mobility. As soon as the ankle runs out of mobility (for example walking up/down the stairs) the knee will be stressed and forced to take more movement.
What does this all mean?
Basically, it means that when your ankles are stiff and your weight distribution is off, it can lead to a chain of events that create knee instability, dysfunction, pain and injury.
If you suffer from KNEE pain and you think your FEET may be the culprit of your pain, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! Your condition is fixable and together we could easily make your pain go away!
I freed up some time on my schedule, so click on this link and grab the time that works best for you and let’s talk on the phone! I’ll explain how I can help you eliminate your pain, even if you live on the other side of the country or on another continent!