Do you suffer from Sciatica? Does it shoot pain down in your leg and makes it hard to sit, stand, walk and exercise?
TRUE Sciatica comes from disc/vertebrae compression of the sciatic nerve. Many people get an MRI to further investigate their sciatic pain and the result is often confusing. The MRI doesn’t show enough disc degeneration to justify the sciatic pain they feel! This is called FALSE Sciatica.
So what causes FALSE SCIATIC PAIN?
The Piriformis muscle (one of your deep hip rotator muscles) is typically responsible for False Sciatica. The Sciatic nerve runs directly under this muscle (or in some people the nerve splits and/or goes through the middle of the Piriformis)
The point is…tightness and overactivity of this muscle can impinge/entrap the Sciatic nerve. This is called Piriformis Syndrome. It presents with pain shooting down the back of the leg.
Good news is, there are absolutely ways to fix and prevent pain coming from the Piriformis!
I want to help you, so I created a 3 months online program called GET FREE FROM SCIATICA. This program will provide you with A Clear Path to Life without Sciatica.
In this day and age, when we order groceries online and turn on our air conditioning with the use of an app, online programs are the easiest, most freeing way to get the help you need and finally start living a pain-free life!
Ready to do this?
Be sure to watch the video below! I want you to feel empowered by this client testimonial …you can do this!!!