Do you have any problem areas that you constantly need to stretch?
My client Tammy used to complain of the following:
* the bottoms of her feet
* tight hamstrings
* the bottoms of her feet
* tight hamstrings
* lower back pain
* headaches
* headaches
She’s had her fair share of trying different practitioners who addressed each by zeroing in on the area affected. She’s been told to get off her feet, invest in orthotics, stretch her calves or something else specific to her feet. Her massage therapist worked on her lower back and hamstrings. And for the headaches she simply would take a pain killer and get some rest.The interesting thing is that each of these areas of the body are connected. And the connection that links these areas is called the Superficial Back Line or SBL.
Take a look at the picture below. Trace the muscles from the skull all the way to the feet . You can see how that entire bundle of muscle tissue run in an almost continuous line.
Most of what Tammy does in her day to day life doesn’t challenge this area to be fully lengthened. She’s a programmer for a tech company and surprise! that requires to sit all day. By doing that she overuses certain points along this posterior chain highway and underuses others – her issues like back and neck aches arise from a highly shortened posterior chain. How could she grow tall and expand her chest if this thing is shrink wrapping her tight?
Hiding in between all these muscle fibers are nerve pathways – when nerves become restricted, they’re not going to want to fire the muscle up effectively in the range of motion that is the most challenging and most restricted.
Nerves and congested fibers will just remain tighter and continue to get tighter unless you mobilize it frequently and properly.
Nerves and congested fibers will just remain tighter and continue to get tighter unless you mobilize it frequently and properly.
So what’s the solution? In the coming weeks I’m going to focus on teaching you how to release the SBL. Just like I’ve been teaching my client Tammy how to do it for herself. Until then, I have some homework for you. Bend forward, just like the skeleton on my picture and identify your tight areas. If you want to share with me what those areas are, click respond and send me an email!