Middle back pain can be a bothersome and discomforting issue, and it’s often influenced by a variety of factors. With...
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Tone Your Arms and Shoulders with a Resistance Band!
Whether you want to strengthen your arms because you want to show them off this summer or you have shoulder...

Sitting All Day? Exercises for Tight Hips!
Sitting for extended periods is a common modern lifestyle, and it may surprise you to learn that this sedentary habit...

Best Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis and Tight Calves
Plantar fasciitis and tight calves are common issues that many people face . Causing discomfort and pain in the feet...

Bend and Stretch: Easy Moves to Relieve Pain and Improve Posture
Are you experiencing pain in your neck, back or shoulders? Do you feel stiff and uncomfortable when you sit for...

5 Hip Openers for Tight Hips
Do you have tight hips? If you answered yes, I have to tell you, it’s one of the most common...

Best Stretches for Stress and Anxiety
We all experience stress and anxiety from time to time. And it’s important to find healthy ways to cope with...

How to Relieve Neck Pain from Looking Down (aka TEXT NECK)
Many of us can relate to experiencing nagging neck pain, regardless of our age or life stage. Due to the...

Get Perfect Shoulder Posture in 7 Easy Steps
Are you tired of battling chronic shoulder pain, neck discomfort, and nagging injuries? If so, you’re not alone. These issues...

Stretches for People who are NOT FLEXIBLE
Do tight hips, a rigid back, or inflexible legs limit your daily activities? You must Stretches lengthen out your muscles...