Eva is aware of the role physical activity plays in combating Parkinson’s. She developed a series of stretching and flexibility exercises that I could do at home and while traveling. Her suggestions helped me improve a painful condition in my foot. I have continued her fitness regimen and leave for Nepal in less than two weeks.
Pain Free for Life Pilates
Eliminate Chronic Pain Without Drugs and Surgery/Improve your Strength, Flexibility and Mobility
Chronic Pain?
Listen to your body. Pain is a sign that you need to treat your body better
If you feel stiff or tight in certain areas now is the time to get the help you need.
If you get injured easily, you’re not training properly.
Why not give your body a tune up to achieve optimal performance and improve your fitness?
Feet, Knees, Hips, Back, Shoulders & Neck

Your body is a healing machine, why not use Pilates to improve your health.
Doctor Visits?
Proper body movements and physical alignment can increase your well being.
If you crash in the afternoon or simply are lacking energy, this program is for you.
Love to Learn?
Learn what works for you and your body, educate yourself for improvement.
FREE Musculo Skeletal Assessment!

Her own battle with chronic pain from the age of 28 in her feet, knees, hips, back, shoulders, neck, elbows, wrists and hand gives her a uniquely thorough understanding of musculoskeletal pain, the ways in which it can undermine an entire life, and the mental and physical hurdles that keep people from getting out of it.